Financial Results Presentation for the 16th Fiscal Period Ended November 2019


Financial Results Presentation for the 16th Fiscal Period Ended November 2019


1. Management Highlights
Management Highlights of 16th Period Ended November 2019
~Outcome of Growth

2. Growth Strategy
Specific Plans to Approach toward Growth
~From 16th Period ended
 Nov.2019 onwards~

3. Progress for Early Achievement of Stabilized DPU of ¥10,000
~Accelerate target
 achievement timing by
 1 year~

4. Internal Growth in Office
Status of Rent Revision and Tenant Replacement in Tokyo Office Properties

5. Internal Growth in Retail Properties
Competitivity of Retail Properties in Prime Location
~Contermeasures after
 leaving of American
  Eagle Outfitters~

6. External Growth
Strategy not prioritizing Expansion of Asset Size
~Ongoing Asset
 Replacement Strategy~

7. Financial Strategy
LTV Management responding to External Growth Strategy and Continual Reduction of Debt Cost

Financial Results: Statement of Income
~16th Period ended
 November 2019~

9. Initiatives for ESG

10. Distribution of Unitholders





Next, I would like to talk about our portfolio status with advancing integration of retail and office.

In page right, some examples of leasing for office zones in Urban Retail properties and retail zones in Tokyo Office properties are shown.

Our advantages are summarized in two points; (i) as a soft aspect, the operational and management know-how for both office and retail that our sponsor has, and the unique know-how of the asset manager who can leverage such sponsor expertise, and (ii) as a hard aspect, the location of our properties, which allows both office and retail properties which provides broader choices for leasing and upside rent potential,

And in the bottom right, there’re three properties where we can expect rent upside, and for those, we will make effort to maximize internal growth by pursuing higher rent by making aware of tenant needs without persisting past cases.

Please move on to the next page.